Thursday, February 2, 2012



Terkadang kita perlu mengatakan apa yang telah dikatakan oleh orang lain. Ada dua cara untuk melakukan ini dalam bahasa Inggris, yakni direct speech dan reported speech.

Direct speech

Direct speech menyatakan ulang secara persis apa yang telah dikatakan oleh orang lain. Contoh:

  • Jane said, “I’m so happy today”.
  • The president said, “I need a vacation”.

Reported speech

Reported speech secara tidak langsung melaporkan apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Contoh:

  • Jane said she was so happy today.
  • The president said he needed a vacation.

Reported speech menggunakan bentuk lampau dari direct speech. Jadi jika direct speech dalam bentuk present tense, maka reported speech dalam bentuk past tense. Contoh:

Direct Speech - I said, “She is in her office.”
Reported Speech - I said she was in her office.

Apabila direct speech dalam bentuk past tense, maka reported speech menggunakan bentuk past perfect.

Direct Speech - I said, “She was in her office at lunchtime.”
Reported Speech - I said she had been in her office at lunchtime. atau - I said she was in her office at lunchtime.

Dalam bahasa Inggris moderen, bentuk past perfect sering tidak diperlukan untuk reported speech bentuk lampau, kita cukup menggunakan past simple tense.

Berikut beberapa bentuk kata kerja umum dalam direct dan reported speech


Direct / Reported Speech

Simple present:

I said, “She is busy”. - I said she was busy.

Present continuous:

I said, “I am working now”. - I said I was working now

Simple past:

I said, “She was here this morning”. - I said she was here this morning. ATAU
I said she had been here this morning.

Past continuous:

I said “She was studying all yesterday” - I said she was studying all yesterday. ATAU
I said she had been studying all yesterday

Present perfect:

I said, “She has worked here for 5 years.” - I said she had worked here for 5 years.

Past perfect:

I said, “She had worked here for 5 years.” - I said she had worked here for 5 years.


I said, “She will work here from July.” - I said she would work here from July.

Future continuous:

I said, “We’ll be living here for 6 months.” - I said we would be living here for 6 months.


I said, “She can play the piano well.” - I said she could play the piano well.


Reported speech sering diberikan sebagai bagian dari klausa-that, khususnya dalam bahasa tertulis dan bahasa yang lebih formal. Contoh:

  • He said that he would arrive at 10.00.
  • He said he would arrive at 10.00.

Kedua kalimat ini bermakna sama, dan that bisa dihilangkan tanpa ada perubahan makna.

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