Thursday, February 2, 2012


1. He opens the door. -→_____________________________________________
2. We set the table. - →______________________________________________
3. She pays a lot of money. - →_______________________________________
4. I draw a picture. - →______________________________________________
5. They wear blue shoes. - →_________________________________________
6. She sang a song. - →______________________________________________
7. Somebody hit me. - →____________________________________________
8. We stopped the bus. -→__________________________________________
9. A thief stole my car. - →___________________________________________
10. They didn't let him go. -→________________________________________
11. Kerrie has paid the bill. -→________________________________________
12. I have eaten a hamburger. - →_____________________________________
13. We have cycled five miles. - →_____________________________________
14. I have opened the present. - →____________________________________
15. They have not read the book. - →__________________________________
16. Jane will buy a new computer. - →__________________________________
17. Her boyfriend will install it. - →____________________________________
18. Millions of people will visit the museum. - →________________________
19. Our boss will sign the contract. - →________________________________
20. You will not do it. - →____________________________________________
21. I can answer the question. - →_____________________________________
22. She would carry the box. - →______________________________________
23. You should open the window. - →________________________________
24. We might play cards. - →_________________________________________
      25. You ought to wash the car. - →____________________________________

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