Thursday, February 2, 2012


Apakah Modal Verbs itu?

Modals (juga disebut modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) adalah kata kerja yang spesial yang perlakuannya tidak tentu/berubah-ubah. Fungsi utamanya adalah memberi tambahan penjelasan pada kata kerja utama. Selain itu Modals juga punya beragam fungsi komunikatif.


Modal verbs digunakan untuk mengekspresikan fungsi:

  1. Permission - izin
  2. Ability - kemampuan
  3. Obligation - kewajiban
  4. Prohibition - larangan
  5. Lack of necessity – kurang perlu
  6. Advice - saran
  7. Possibility – kemungkinan/tidak mustahil
  8. Probability – kemungkinan/iya atau tidak


Modal verbs diikuti verba dasar tanpa “to”


  1. You must stop when the traffic lights turn red
  2. You should see to the doctor
  3. There are a lot of tomatoes in the fridge. You need not buy any.


  • You ought to go to the doctor

Ini lho, contoh-contoh Modals

Modal Verb





to have to

100 % obligation

I must stop when the traffic lights turn red.

to be very probable

logical conclusion (deduction)

He must be very tired after such enormous work

must not

not to be allowed to


You must not smoke in the hospital.


to be able to


I can swim

to be allowed to


Can I use your phone please?

it is possible


Smoking can cause cancer !


to be able to

ability in the past

When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired..

to be allowed to

more polite permission

Excuse me, could I just say something?

it is possible


It could rain tomorrow!


to be allowed to


May I use your phone please?

it is possible, probable

possibility, probability

It may rain tomorrow!


to be allowed to

more polite permission

Might I use your phone please?

it is possible, probable

weak possibility, probability

I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.




Need I say more?

need not

not necessary

lack of necessity/abcense of obligation

I need not buy any tomatoes. There are plenty in the fridge.

should/ought to

used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do

50 % obligation

I should / ought to see a doctor. I have a terrible headache.

to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary


You should / ought to revise your lessons

to be very probable

logical conclusion (deduction)

He should / ought to be very tired after such enormous work

had better

to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary


You 'd better revise your lessons

Latihan 1: Tambahkan ‘to’ bila perlu. Jika tidak, tuliskan Ø di bagian yang kosong.

1. I have to__ go___ downtown tomorrow.

2. Tam can __Ø___ play soccer.

3. Could you please __________ open the window?

4. The students must _________ learn all of the irregular verbs.

5. Sally has _______ do her history report tonight.

6. I think you should ________ take better care of yourself.

7. I ought ______ go to the post office this afternoon.

8. Would you ________speak more slowly please?

9. We may ________ go to Argentina for our vacation.

10. Will youplease _____ mail this letter for me?

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