Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tugas untuk X MM-C

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Hi! I won't be able to teach today, so here's your task... Kerjakan di buku catatan ya. Thanks.

Task 1
Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense)
Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to be’ in the present
simple tense.
Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the
1. what brother’s is name your
2. is what address your
3. favourite is your food what
4. is your what name
5. date the what today is
6. much how that shirt is
7. are how you
8. your what is surname
9. your postcode what is
10. your when birthday is

Task 2
Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb
(Present Simple Tense)
Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to do’ as an auxiliary
verb in the present simple tense.
Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the
1. free do in time do you your what
2. where you do live
3. do you how do
4. how you there get do
5. do what you living for do a
6. you what think do
7. what want you do
8. want who to you do to speak
9. where do to go you want
10. do you him know

Task 3
Troubling Tenses – Past Simple vs. Present Continuous
A. Complete each sentence using either yesterday or tomorrow:
1. I went to the cinema ____________________.
2. I’m playing golf ____________________.
3. We had an early lunch ____________________.
4. Her sister is going into hospital ____________________.
5. What time are you getting up ____________________?
6. I’m taking the car to the garage first thing ____________________.
7. My brother moved house ____________________.
8. Did you see that new music shop in town ____________________?
9. I met Lisa and Isabella for a coffee ____________________.
10. He’s visiting his friend ____________________ afternoon.
11. There was a lot of noise outside ____________________.
12. We’re going swimming ____________________ morning.
13. Are you coming round ____________________ evening?
14. He wasn’t at work ____________________ afternoon because he went to
hospital for an appointment.
15. John was in Birmingham all day ____________________ for a meeting.

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