Monday, April 8, 2013


Anak-anakku yang baik, hari ini Bu Suci tidak bisa masuk kelas karena ada keperluan keluarga... Untuk itu mohon kalian mengerjakan tugas di bawah ini yah. Kerjakan di selembar kertas, jawabannya saja, lalu kumpulkan ke lab bahasa Inggris atau ke petugas piket di TU. Thanks for your co-operation.

Koordinator Tim Bahasa Inggris
Rosita Santoso

Direction: choose the best answer.

1.      Andi      : Good afternoon, Miss Tia.
Tia       : Good afternoon. How are you today, Mr. Andi?
Andi     : …… I’m afraid. I must have caught a bit of cold, I think.
a.      Not too well                                         c. Good afternoon
b.      Very well                                             d. It’s okay
2.      Yuni served delicious dinner to her guest, Anita.
Anita    : Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yuni.
Yuni     : …………………
a.      I’m very hungry too.
b.      When will you invite me for dinner too?
c.       Don’t eat too much, Anita.
d.      It’s my pleasure, Anita.
3.      Robert  : ………………….?
Sam     : It is 25 km from my house to school.
a.      How far your house to school?
b.      How long is that from your school?
c.       How far is it from your house to school?
d.      How much is it from your house to school?
4.      Rani      : How does the car look like?
Dio       : ………………………
a.      It’s elegant and luxurious.                              c. I will sell it next time.
b.      It’s given to my father.                                   d. Sorry, the car is not mine.
5.      Dini       : Which river is …. In Kalimantan?
Tono    : I think it’s the Kapuas.
a.      longer                                                  c. the longest
b.      as long as                                            d. the length
6.      Nurse    : How do you feel today?
Patient : …. than yesterday.
a.      Good                                                    c. Well
b.      Better                                                  d. Best
7.      X : Do you know Mrs. Laila?
Y : Mrs. Laila? Well, I think I don’t know ………….
a.      him                                                      c. she
b.      her                                                       d. he
8.      A : Excuse me, how should I call you?
B : Please call me Wyona.
A : Where are you from?
B : I am from………….. I live in Rome.
A : What language do you speak?
B : I speak ………
a.      Spain, Spanish                                     c. France, French
b.      Italy, Italian                                         d. Australia, English
9.      Tia        : Tom, I’m sorry. I forget to bring the book that I borrowed from you last Monday.
Tommy: ………….. Bring it tomorrow.
a.      It doesn’t matter.                                            c. I don’t know.
b.      Thank you.                                                       d. Hello, good morning.
10.  Guest                : Excuse me. Where is the cafeteria in this hotel?
Receptionist    : Oh, it is on the ……….. floor.
Guest               : Thank you.
Receptionist    : You’re welcome.
a.      five                                                      c. eleven
b.      fifth                                                     d. twenty one
11.  Ardi       : You must return the book ………….. you borrowed from the library last week.
Dely     : I will return it tomorrow morning.
a.      whose                                                  c. who
b.      whom                                                  d. which
12.  Evi         : Rita and Dani are my best friends. I love ………… very much.
Tita      : …………… are nice people.
a.      us, we                                                  c. their, she
b.      them, they                                           d. your, you
13.  Deby     : Siska, could you lend me some money. I will return it immediately.
Siska    : …………… do you want to borrow?
Deby    : Lend me Rp. 20.000
Siska    : Here it is.
a.      How many                                                       c. How should
b.      How much                                                       d. How can
14.  Mrs. Salmah     : Can you read this? (11 x 25 = 275)
Eko                  : It’s so easy, Ma’am. It says “………………………………………”
Mrs. Salmah    : Very well. Thank you.
a.      Eleven divides twenty five equals two hundred and seventy five
b.      Eleven minus twenty five equals two hundred and seventy five
c.       Eleven times twenty five equals two hundred and seventy five
d.      Eleven plus twenty five equals two hundred and seventy five
15.  Tya        : He felt ………………… because he has won the swimming competition.
Rani     : His parents must be proud of him.
a.      worried                                                           c. happy
b.      anxious                                                            d. hopeless

My cousins have visited the museum a few days ago and they will see the temples next
           A                B                                                                          C                                          D
The price of food in Malang is high at present than it was ten years ago.
   A                                      B                          C         D
Miss Maria spends his leisure time in the large and luxurious swimming pool.
                               A       B                                                   C                             D
        A : Hey, where are your mom and daddy?
B : My mother is in the living room and my father is there either.
                                                B                                C                        D
        X : There are six person outside the house. Are they your friends?
        A                                             C
Y : Only two of them are my friends?

X : Which ones?
Y : The ones with the red shirt and the pink one.

Kalo dah selesei kumpulin ke labing ato ke petugas piket yah.... Thanks.

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