Thursday, May 2, 2013


Buatlah pertanyaan dalam bentuk yes/no questions.
            I love you. ® Do you love me?

1.     He loves this town. ®
2.     They like soccer. ®
3.     She can drive a lorry. ®
4.     They are nice. ®
5.     They went to the swimming pool. ®
6.     She wastes her money on jewellery. ®
7.     He decided to leave his wife. ®
8.     She wakes up early. ®
9.     They should revise their lessons. ®
10.                    He was born in this town. ®
Part 2 
Gunakan kata tanya yang sesuai:
            .............. do you look sad? – Because I lost my wallet.
            Jawaban: WHY do you look sad?
11.           you live? - I live in London.
12.                    ..................'s that girl? - She's my sister.
13.           you go to school? - By bus.
14.           banks open? - At eight O'clock.
15.                    ..................are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!
Part 3
Gunakan kata tanya sesuai dengan kata yang ditebalkan:
He drank juice. - What did he drink?
16.                    They went to Spain.
17.                    He writes novels.
18.                    Lacy likes soccer
19.                    The girls watched a serial.
20.                    He discovered the truth.
Part  4
Gunakan tenses yang benar pada kata kerja di bawah ini (simple present atau present progressive/continuous)
21.                    Look! Sara (go) to the movies.
22.                    On her right hand, Sara (carry) her handbag.
23.                    The handbag (be) very beautiful.
24.                    Sara usually (put) on black shoes but now she (wear) white trainers.
25.                    And look, she (take) an umbrella because it (rain)  
Choose the correct form of the verbs (infinitive or gerund)
1.     I am keen on to work/ working in the computer industry.
2.     Amy decided to see / seeing a doctor.
3.     Leila enjoys to read / reading love stories.
4.     Do you intend  to learn / learning Italian or English?
5.     Do you mind  to help / helping me wash the dishes?
6.     Alan asked  to talk / talking to the boss.
7.     I can't help to laugh / laughing when I watch Mr Been.
8.     If Sara keeps  to come / coming to work late, she'll have problems with the boss.
9.     Liza hates  to study / studying Maths.
10.                        Are you interested in to live / living in Africa ?
Part 6
Fill in the correct word (too or enough).
1.     I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was _____hot to drink.
2.     He wasn't strong ______to lift that heavy box.
3.     There aren't ________policemen in our town.
4.     Do you have _____information to help me with this problem?
5.     It is _____difficult to do for a little child.
6.     I do not have ______much time to prepare dinner.
7.     I didn't buy the car because it was _____expensive.
8.     He didin't work hard ______to pass the exam.
9.     My mum can't sleep because she drinks ______much coffee.
10.                 She isn't old _____to start driving.
Part 7
Tuliskan sebuah review/ulasan tentang (pilih salah satu):
·        Film yang pernah kalian lihat
·        Lagu favorit kalian
·        Buku yang pernah kalian baca
Jelaskan dalam tulisanmu:
·        Apa judul dari film/lagu/buku tersebut?
·        Siapa penyanyi/pemeran/penulisnya ?
·        Tentang apa?
·        Mengapa kalian suka?


  1. mom ...
    ini yang dikerjakan ?

    nur dwi :)

  2. waw..
    tugasnya banyak ya? :D
    hehe :)
    oh ya mom :)
    tugas ini dikumpulkan sewaktu ada bhs.inggris atau hari senin tgl 05/05/2013 ?
