Thursday, November 19, 2015


Latihan UAS Semester 4
        Buy a ticket before entering the gate
        Leave all your belonging before  entering the building
        Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed in the building
       Do not turn on the radio or tape recorder inside the building
       Touching the antiquities is prohibited
        Do not take any pictures of the antiquities
1. What is the text about?

A. Rules for the museum visitors
B. Problems with the antiquities
C. Services of the Museum
D. Rulers of a building

2. “Leave all of your belonging...” What is meant by ‘belonging’?

A. Your camera
B. Food and drink
C. Your bag and shoes
D. All that you bring with you

How to be a School Idol
Stay healthy! You need to stay fit to look good.
Have your own style! You need to wear clothes that fit you well.
Let your make-up stay simple. Stay natural!
Smile! You need to make others smile, not just show others your smile!

3. What kind of clothes should one wear?

A.      Clothes that fit
B.      Expensive clothes
C.      Elegant clothes
D.      Stylist clothes

4. Abdul : That’s a nice bag you  have there! Where did you buy it?   
    Hikam : ….
    Abdul  : Really? How lucky you are!

A.      My mom will buy me a bag.
B.      I will buy it in Matoz.
C.      My bag is broken yesterday.
D.      My girlfriend bought it for me.

5. Prita   : Tomorrow we’ll have a math exam.
Sofie   : You’re right! I haven’t  studied yet.
Prita : ….

A.      You must relax and let it flow
B.      Don’t worry about the exam
C.      If I were you, I’d study now
D.      Let’s shop until we drop

A conservation group has named three fish species that it says are at risk of extinction. The fish are threatened because of overfishing to meet the world’s growing demand for food. In a new report released today, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added Pacific bluefin tuna to its list of more than 22,000 species threatened with extinction. The tuna was joined by the American eel and Chinese pufferfish.
6. Which of the following are rare fish?

A.      American eel and Chinese tuna
B.      Chinese tuna and bluefin tuna
C.      American tuna and Chinese pufferfish
D.      Chinese pufferfish and American eel

7. Why do the fish extinct?

A.      Because they are expensive
B.      Because they breed
C.      Because of overfishing
D.      Because people hate them

The Blue Whale is the largest creature ever to have lived on earth. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as a car.
Amazingly, however, this giant of the ocean feeds on some of the smallest marine life – tiny shrimplike animals called krill. A single adult blue whale can consume 3,6000kg of krill a day.
They mainly catch their food by diving, and descend to depths of approximately 500m.

8. “... and descend to depths of approximately 500m.

What does ‘descend’ mean?
A.   Going down
B.   Going up
C.   Surfaced
D.   Flying

There are many advantages in drinking coffee, the latest experiment said. Coffee can be pretty amazing for your brain, your skin and your body. It also has many antioxidants. Aside from that, just smelling coffee is said to make you less stressed. Now, we're not entirely sure if this means you should keep a bag of roasted coffee beans on your nightstand every night, but feel free to try!

9. Which statement is true according to the text?

A.  Coffee is bad for our health
B.  Coffee has a lot of antioxidants
C.  Coffee makes you feel stressed
D.  We should keep a cup of coffee at bed-side

10. Why is coffee good for our body?

A. It has many antioxidants
B. It is amazing for your brain
C. It makes you less stressed
D. All of the answers above

Everyone knows that while candy is delicious, it isn’t the healthiest snack in the world. But now there is UNREAL, a new brand of candy that is just as delicious, sweet, and colourful as the candy you love but it is better for you. It’s made with natural cane sugar. UNREAL has less fat, carbohydrates, sugar, and calories, but it has more fibre and protein than regular candies.
11. “It’s made with natural cane sugar. “ The underlined word refers to …

A.      Unreal candy
B.      Sweet, colourful snack
C.      New brand of sugar
D.      UNREAL snack

12. Ofan   : Are you hungry? I have some spaghetti.
      Dhika : I like spaghetti! I didn’t  know you can cook.
       Ofan : No, ….
A.      It was made by my mom.
B.      It were made by my mom.
C.      It was make by my mom.
D.      It was making by my mom.

Alvien  : Mom, may I have an ice cream please?
Mom   : ... . You have to wait until after dinner.

A. No, you may not
B. Yes, you may
C. Of course
D. I can’t

Oprah Gail Winfrey (January 29, 1954) is the host of an American talk show “The OPRAH SHOW”, who has touched the lives of people all over the world. At age 17 she was picked up by a local TV station in Nashville, Tennessee and became the youngest person and the first black woman to become a news anchor at the station. It is said that Oprah Winfrey’s talk show has great influence in people’s social and political views.
14. Who is Oprah Winfrey?

An American Idol host
An American politician
An American talk show host
An American singer

15. “ … who has touched the lives of people all over the world. The word ‘who’ refers to…

A.      The Oprah Show
B.      Oprah Winfrey
C.      TV Station
D.      Nashville, Tennessee

Joan Chen was born in Shanghai 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio came to her school and choose her to learn acting at the studio. She was happy about this chance, but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however, she discovered that she really liked acting. At the age of 18, she won the Golden Rooster, China’s top film award.

16. When did Joan win the Golden Rooster ?

A.  in 1961
B.  in 1975
C.  in 1979
D.  in 1981

Morning Has Broken – Cat Steven
Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing
, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing
, fresh from the world
Mine is the sunlight mine is the morning
Born of the one light eden saw play
Praise with elation praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

17. What is the song about?

A.   A prayer to God
B.   A beautiful day
C.   Birds and sunlight
D.   A Family

18. “Blackbird has spoken...”
What word have the same meaning with ‘spoken’?
A. Talked             C. Sang
B. Broken            D. Praised
"Song For Dad" – Keith Urban
Lately I've been noticing I say the same things he used to say
When I look in the mirror,  he's right there in my eyes,
starin' back at me and I realize The older I get, the more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me.
And he did the best that he could And I only hope when  I have my own family
That everyday I see A little more of my father in me
19. What does the singer say about his father?

A.      He was a good man
B.      He was a discipline man
C.      He didn’t love his family
D.      He was a singer 

Combine  water, sugar, and fresh fruit in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and let simmer until the mixture is reduced by half. Taste the syrup to check the sweetness.
Store the finished syrup in a squeeze bottle in the refrigerator..
To make homemade soda, simply add syrup to a glass of ice and top off with seltzer water or club soda.

20. The directions above is part of a recipe to make….

A.      Fruit juice
B.      Sugar syrup
C.      Homemade soda
D.      Coca-cola

21. What do we need to make a glass of homemade soda?

A.      water, sugar, fresh fruit
B.      Soda, ice, a glass
C.      Syrup, water, ice
D.      Ice, syrup, club soda

Ingredients :                
250 cc hot water, 50 gram instant porridge, 1 tablespoon of soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of chili, Crakers, 10 gram meat floss
 Suggested preparation :
Put instant porridge into a bowl
Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well
Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened
Add soya sauce and chili sauce ( as much as you like)
Then, spread crackers and meat floss
The porridge is ready to be served

21. What should we do after stirring the porridge?

A. Put the instant porridge into the bowl
B. Add soya sauce and chili sauce
C. Add crackers and meat floss
D. Wait for about 3 minutes 

Chavin : Is this a new laptop?
Bima    : No, it’s my old one.
Chavin : But you said it was broken?
Bima    : Yes, but ....

A. My dad fixed it
B. It was fix by my dad
C. My dad fix it
D. It was fox by my dad

24. Ulil   : Do you have any plan for the holiday?
    Restu  : I don’t think so. Why?
    Ulil      : ….
    Restu  : Can I go with you?

A.      I would go to Bali if I am you.
B.      If I have some money, I will go to Bali.
C.      If you have some money, I would go to Bali.
D.      I will go to Bali if you had plan.

25. Senna: Have you decided where to go on  PRAKERIN?
Dyas   : I am not so sure yet. But if my mother agrees, ....

A.      I would go to Surabaya
B.      I would love to have one
C.      I will go to Makassar
D.      I would like to come

26. Lintang : May I go to school with you today?
Alvan    : Why don’t you use your own bike?
Lintang : I can’t, ....

A. It was break.
B. It were break.
C. It was broken.
D. It were broken.

27. Anis: I like your new hat. It  fits you perfectly.
     Bayu: Thank you, I like your  knitted sweatshirt. Do you make it yourself?
     Anis: No way, ....

A.      I bought the hat for you
B.      Grandma knitted it for me
C.      You should buy your own shirt
D.      Sweatshirt is not too expensive

28. Kamileva: I heard you like reading novel. Who’s your favorit author?
Fatimah  : I like Hercule Poirot’s series. ... by Agatha Christie.
Kamileva : I like them, too!

A.      It was written
B.      They are written
C.      It is written
D.      They were written

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