Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Latihan Uas Part 2

Latihan Soal UAS Part 2
Semester 3 Tahun Ajaran 2015 – 2016

1.       “The kindness shown by others that comes unexpectedly.”
What is the synonym of kindness?
A.      happiness
B.      gentleness
C.      sadness
D.      worthless

2.       Yudi   : Oh God, I hate Math! Math is the hardest subject ever.
       Yuda  : That’s true, .................................................................
              Yudi   : Me, too! My mom is always angry because of it.
A.      My score for Math is always good.
B.      I never get lower than 80 for Math.
C.      It’s so easy I can do it in a snap.
D.      I always get bad grades for Math.

3.       Rosita: Gosh, I feel so awful. I’m so tired, I want to sleep.
               Anis   : You do look terrible. ....
               Rosita: Thanks, I hope so, too.
A.      You should eat more bakso.
B.      I hope you’ll get better soon.
C.      Let’ s hope for more homework.
D.      Why don’t you go home and rest?

4.       Ita          : Being a student in this era is not easy, you know. There are so many tasks to do;  
                 homeworks, projects. I got all tired from studying!
              Wawan : .... I wish we could have more time for fun.
A.      I do not agree.
B.      I couldn’t agree more.
C.      You’re all wrong.
D.      You’re kidding.

5.         ISafe.org stated that fifty eight percent of kids admit that they have not told a parent/adult about being insulted online. It seems like kids are afraid to speak up about being cyber bullied. They are probably scared of being called a snitch, or being bullied even more. It’s important that we let kids/teens know that they shouldn’t be afraid to let someone know. An adult is more powerful than a kid or teen.This can be put to a stop. If you see someone being cyber bullies when you’re online, say something. You could seriously save someone’s life.
Why didn’t the children tell their parents about being cyber bullied?
A.      They don’t know what to do
B.      They don’t have any parents
C.      They are too shy
D.      They are afraid

6.       What can we conclude from paragraph two?
A.      We can stop cyber bullying
B.      Cyber bullies are unstopable
C.      People get bullied everywhere
D.      You should say something online

7.        “...kids are afraid to speak up about being cyber bullied.”
What is the antonym of ‘afraid’?
A.      scared
B.      Brave
C.      Worry
D.      Proud

Mr. & Mrs. Bedjo
Mr. & Mrs Soedjono
Request with pleasure your company
To celebrate the marriage of their children
Rebecca & Slamet
Jalan Anila 2222
Cemoro Kandang, Malang
Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 13.30 pm

RSVP 081615769828                                 Dress: Formal
Your presence alone is a great gift so please
do not bring any present.Thank you.

Who is getting married?
A.      Rebecca and Bedjo
B.      Mr. And Mrs. Bedjo
C.      Mr. And Mrs. Soedjono
D.      Slamet and Rebecca
9.       What should one bring to the occassion?
A.      some food
B.      nothing
C.      a gift
D.      some flowers
10.   Hi, Tyas!
Last week was a terrible week for me. I had an accident while skin diving on my first day in Bunaken. I stepped on a sharp coral and sprained my feet! The rest of my holiday was spent watching with envy all of my friends diving and snorkelling. I had to rest with a bandaged ankle while everybody else were having fun. That’s why I could only send you the picture of... the GOOD FOOD! I surely had a lot of Bunaken’s food.
I hope your vacation in Batu isn’t as bad as mine.
What did Yogi enjoy the most on his vacation?
A.      the traditional food
B.      skin diving
C.      snorkelling
D.      watching everybody

11.   What happened to Yogi on his vacation?
A.      He was having fun
B.      He was rather sad
C.      He enjoyed the vacation
D.      He sprained his ankle

12.    “Last week was a terrible week for me.”
The antonym of ‘terrible’ is...
A.      okay
B.      bad
C.      good
D.      much
13.   One day, there was a slave whose name was Babu. His master was very, very bad. You know, he often punched Babu and did not offer him food for days. Poor Babu! So he escaped into a forest and slept in a cave. Next morning, he heard a loud roar. In front of him, at the mouth of the cave, was a very big lion. You see, Babu was scared to death! Kind of scary, isn’t it? But he could not escape. But the lion didn’t attack him. It was tame. There was a large thorn in its right front foot. The lion looked at Babu. It seemed to say something like: ”Please help me. It’s very painful.” Babu walked bravely to the lion and pulled out the thorn. Babu and the lion then became good friends.

Why did the slave run away?
A.      he wanted to go
B.      his master was bad
C.      he was very lazy
D.      he met a lion

14.   What is the social function of this text?
A.      To give information
B.      To entertain the readers
C.      To explain a procedure
D.      To tell a story of the past

15.   Tony : Hi Andi, what about going to Agung's birthday party tonight?
               Andi : I'm afraid I can't. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
              The underlined sentence is used to……………..

A.      Decline an invitation
B.      Agree to do something
C.      Ask for permission 
D.      Express a surprise

16.   Hey, guys! You are all invited to my 1001 Night - Halloween Party!
Dress as scary as you can be, and bring a bag for the candy. There will be plenty of food and fruits and drinks for all of us. Just make sure you don’t come too late, because the party will be started at 09.00 PM and we have to close it ninety minutes after.
Remember the date: October 30th, 2015 at my place.
See ya!
Alvan Septi Kurniawan

Which outfit is appropriate for the occassion?
A.      A pirate costum
B.      A Navy uniform
C.      Teacher’s suit and skirt
D.      Arema t-shirt and jeans

17.   What time will the party be over?
A.      09.19
B.      09.30
C.      10.15
D.      10.30

18.   Once up on a time, two tribes were at war with each other. The leader of the first tribe was a giant named Goliath, who was three meters tall. Goliath challenged the other tribe to send a leader to fight with him.
“If he can kill me, we shall be your slaves,” he boasted. “But if I kill him, then you should be
our slaves.”
No one except a young shepherd boy dared volunteer to fight Goliath. The shepherd boy’s
name was David. He was armed with only a sling. When Goliath saw David, he laughed,
“What? Are you the only one they can send to fight with me ? Why, I will tear you apart and
feed you the birds!”.
Then he charged at David with his sword. Calmly, David took a stone, put it on his sling and
took careful aim at the giant’s eye. The stone struck Goliath and he fell to the ground

What is the writer’s purpose of writing this kind of text? .
A.      To entertain the readers
B.      To tell a story of giant
C.      To inform an event in the past
D.      To report the war between the tribes 

19.   What is the type of the text?
A.      report
B.      narrative
C.      description
D.      recount

20.   What did David use to fight Goliath?
A.      a giant
B.      A bow
C.      A shepherd
D.      a sling

21.   An old man and his grandson was in their garden one day. The old man was planting a mango tree. His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it.
“Why do you want to plant the tree?” asked his grandson. “By the time it bares fruits, you’d might be too old to enjoy them.”
The old man smiled. He wiped his dirty hands on an old rag and pat his grandson’s head. “I might be too old to enjoy them. But YOU won’t. I plant them for you and your friends. This is my gift for the future!”
The child looked confused, but he managed to smile.
“ Someday you’ll understand, young man.” Smiled the old man.

What did the man do in his garden?
A.      Buy a gift for his grandson
B.      Talking about his grandson
C.      Enjoy the mango fruits
D.      Plant a mango tree

22.    An old man and his grandson was in their garden one day. The old man was planting a mango tree. His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it.
“Why do you want to plant the tree?” asked his grandson. “By the time it bares fruits, you’d might be too old to enjoy them.”
The old man smiled. He wiped his dirty hands on an old rag and pat his grandson’s head. “I might be too old to enjoy them. But YOU won’t. I plant them for you and your friends. This is my gift for the future!”
The child looked confused, but he managed to smile.
“ Someday you’ll understand, young man.” Smiled the old man.

Which of the following statement is true based on the text:
A.      The boy was a little confused
B.      The boy was planting some flowers
C.      The boy helped his grandmother plant a tree
D.      The boy understood everything grandpa said

23.    An old man and his grandson was in their garden one day. The old man was planting a mango tree. His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it.
“Why do you want to plant the tree?” asked his grandson. “By the time it bares fruits, you’d might be too old to enjoy them.”
The old man smiled. He wiped his dirty hands on an old rag and pat his grandson’s head. “I might be too old to enjoy them. But YOU won’t. I plant them for you and your friends. This is my gift for the future!”
The child looked confused, but he managed to smile.
“ Someday you’ll understand, young man.” Smiled the old man.

His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it. (line 2)
The word with closest meaning with the word ‘put’ is....
A.      Took
B.      Take
C.      Throw
D.      Placed
24.   Student : ……..to carry these books to your room, sir?
              Teacher : No, thanks. I can do it myself.
A.      May I help you  
B.      Do you mind
C.      Shall I do  
D.      Can you help

25.   Rony  : You look so weak, Dandy.
Dandy: Yes, I am very tired.
Rony  : I think you'd better take a rest.
From the dialogue we may conclude that...
A.      Rony orders Dandy to sleep
B.      Rony suggests Dandy to rest
C.      Rony asks Dandy’s opinion
D.      Rony offers to help Dandy
26.   Erisa      : I think students should be allowed to bring cellphone to class. We need cellphone
                 to communicate with our teacher and also to take pictures for our lesson.
               Nurhay : I don’t think so. I think it’s bad idea for students to have cellphone at their classes.
                               Sometimes they open the cellphone during lesson and do not pay attention to their
              From the conversation above, which of these statement is correct?
A.      Students should not bring gadget to class
B.      Erisa thinks that students need cellphone in class
C.      Nurhay thinks that it’s a bad idea if students don’t have cellphone
D.      Gadget is an important factor in a student’s life

27.   Many highschool students complain about having too much homework. They say that they barey have time to play anymore. Their time at home is spent mostly to do the homework. In one day, students might get about 4 different tasks from 4 different subjects. Each task is time consuming, since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’. So they analyze subjects, create things, make presentations. All of that in a day’s work! It’s a very challenging life, being a students in 2015.
Why do the students complain?
A.       They like the new kurikulum
B.      They have too many tasks
C.      They want more homework
D.      They need to play a game

28.   Many highschool students complain about having too much homework. They say that they barey have time to play anymore. Their time at home is spent mostly to do the homework. In one day, students might get about 4 different tasks from 4 different subjects. Each task is time consuming, since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’. So they analyze subjects, create things, make presentations. All of that in a day’s work! It’s a very challenging life, being a students in 2015.
“......since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’.’
The word ‘requires’ is closest in meaning with.....
A.      makes
B.      does
C.      goes
D.      asks

29.   Many highschool students complain about having too much homework. They say that they barey have time to play anymore. Their time at home is spent mostly to do the homework. In one day, students might get about 4 different tasks from 4 different subjects. Each task is time consuming, since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’. So they analyze subjects, create things, make presentations. All of that in a day’s work! It’s a very challenging life, being a students in 2015.
Each task is time consuming....”
What is meant by the underlined words?
A.      Too hard
B.      Very easy
C.      Not so good
D.      Needs time

30.   Atma : I’m very thirsty, have you anything to drink?
               Fadly : ... . Do you want me to buy you some?
               Atma : It’s okay. I think I will buy it later.
A.      Yes, of course.
B.      Here is for you.
C.      I’m afraid not.
D.      I have two.

31.   Guru   : Your hair is too long. You look untidy and gross! ... .
              Murid : I am so sorry, Ma’am. Yes, I will, Ma’am. I promise!
A.      I like it very much.
B.      Please get a haircut.
C.      You should buy new clothes.
D.      When will you go to the mall?

32.   Papa : I think we should move to a Surabaya.
        Lila   : ... .  I fell comfortable here.
A.      I think so,  too 
B.      I totlly disagree
C.      I have no opinion 
D.      I completely agree with  that

33.   Sally went to the university. She stayed in a dormitory. Her mother missed her so much because Sally never come home. But then holidays were getting near. One day Sally telephoned her mother. “Mom, I am going to go home this holiday!” said Sally. “All of my friends are so happy that we can go home finally.”
Her Mom was so happy to hear this. “I am also glad that you’ll be with us soon. Do you miss us?”
“Not really,” answered Sally. “I can always talk to you by phone, but I really miss Donald, my cat!”

Where was the conversation take place?
A.      At home
B.      At school
C.      By phone
D.      By email

34.   Sally went to the university. She stayed in a dormitory. Her mother missed her so much because Sally never come home. But then holidays were getting near. One day Sally telephoned her mother. “Mom, I am going to go home this holiday!” said Sally. “All of my friends are so happy that we can go home finally.”
Her Mom was so happy to hear this. “I am also glad that you’ll be with us soon. Do you miss us?”
“Not really,” answered Sally. “I can always talk to you by phone, but I really miss Donald, my cat!”

What would happen on holiday?
A.      Sally will go to school
B.      Her Mom will go home
C.      Sally will go to see Mom
D.      Her Mom will go to dorm

35.   Sally went to the university. She stayed in a dormitory. Her mother missed her so much because Sally never come home. But then holidays were getting near. One day Sally telephoned her mother. “Mom, I am going to go home this holiday!” said Sally. “All of my friends are so happy that we can go home finally.”
Her Mom was so happy to hear this. “I am also glad that you’ll be with us soon. Do you miss us?”
“Not really,” answered Sally. “I can always talk to you by phone, but I really miss Donald, my cat!”

From the text above we can conclude that ...
A.      Sally missed her Mom very much
B.      Mom missed the cat very much
C.      Sally did not miss her cat
D.      Mom missed Sally a lot

36.   Andrew   : Can we go to the movie tonight, Ananda?
              Ananda : I am truly sorry, Dear. .............................................
              Andrew : Oh you’re right. I agree with you. We can always go some other time.
A.      I like that horror movie ‘Annabelle’.
B.      I’d rather study for the exam tomorrow.
C.      Movies are a good way to learn English.
D.      By watching movies we can be smarter.

37.   Yogi  : So you auditioned for Indonesian Idol! Did you make it?
              Yoga : I don’t know yet. I’m still waiting for the announcement.
              Yogi  : .....
A.      I pray for the best for you!
B.      I hope you will not succeed
C.      That is a good idea.
D.      Good luck with your test!

38.   Nadia   : Look! It’s 6.30 already. You’d better get going or you would be late for school.
               Fadly    : ............................................. School starts at 7.30 today.
A.      You’re right.
B.      Of course.
C.      I don’t think so.
D.      That’s true.

39.   May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great fire, so that stranger and friend may come and warm himself at it. And may the blessing of the earth be on you, soft under your feet as you pass along the roads, soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day; and may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it. May it rest so lightly over you that your soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on its way to Allah. And may Allah bless you, and bless you kindly.

What is the purpose of this prayer?

A.      To ask for blessing
B.      to express gratitude
C.      To ask for forgiveness
D.      To be thankful to God

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