Friday, March 13, 2015

Latihan Ujian 2015

Part 8: Cloze Test
To: Patricia Boylan                                                          From: Sarah Jensen
Date:1/18/2015                                                                 Re    : Tech support
I will do what I can help with the problems that you are having with Tech Support. What I need from you are examples of the Tech Support cases (with case numbers) and the response times that Tech Support has provided to meet your requirements. I have (1)… your comments below and will forward this information to the appropriate individuals. I need the case numbers since the managers in Tech Support may ask for examples of the response times on requests from Argentina. I am also (2)… with Zamibia and Tunisia to get examples of cases from their countries. I have received similar comments from Venezuela, but I need them to document the cases and response times as well.
Thanks for your assistance in (3)… the Tech Support cases. We appreciate the opportunity to improve customer service.

1. A. attach
B. attachment
C. attached
D. attaching

2. A. communicate
B. communication
C. communicating
D. commute

3. A. document
B. documentation
C. documenting
D. documenter

Thank you for calling Speedy Reservations. All of our operators are busy at this time. If
you are looking (4) … flight schedules, please visit our online booking service at If this is a personal call and you know the (5)...... of the staff
member you would like to speak to at this time, press the number now. All other
inquiries please hold for the next available representative. Calls (6)… in sequence, so
please do not hang up and try again.

4. A. At                
B. in
C. for
D. down

5. A. ekstension               
B. collaboration
C. cooperation
D. destination

6. A. answer
B. Are answering
C. Will be answered
D. Have to be answered

SMA Maya Englishindo(7) ....applications from suitably qualified teachers for positions commencing April 2015. Applicants are (8) visit the website for more details, including a full position description, of the position advertised below.  Applications including CV and the names of three referees should be (9)........ : The Principal's Assistant, SMA Maya Englishindo, 22 Empty Road, Dunia Maya, 6666.

7.A. seek                            
B. seeks
D. seeker

8. A. invite          
C. invitation
D. invites

9.A. Sent to
B. looked for
C.needed to
D. given to

George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road, Hatfield, CA 08065
Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am (10).... to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very (11) ......, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
·         I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
·         I strive for continued excellence
·         I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience. I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 909-555-5555.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I (12) speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

10.          A. Sending
                B. writing
                C. applaying
                D. reading

11.          A. interested
                B. interesting
                C. interest
                D. interested in

12.          A. Look for
                B. look at
                C. look forward
                D. look after

English Speech Contest
For all students of SMKN 4 Malang, we (13)...... English Speech Contest..
Time : Saturday, 22 March 2015
Place : Hall of SMKN 4 Malang
Each class should (14) least one student with one of these following topics :
·         The Advantage of Learning English
·         The Difficulties of Learning English
·         The Effective Ways of Learning English
For (15).....information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in

13.          A. announce
                B. write
                C. give
                D. read

14.          A.registered
                B. register
                C. registers
                D. registering

15.          A. most
                B. further
                C. call
                D. borrow

Using the best course method of teaching with a (16).....teacher, you will get the right place to learn English. Be communicative with us. Never think anymore; PRACTICE!!! 100 % money back if you (17)... speak English.
Interested? Find us on 211 Sky Road, Jakarta. (18)... more details, visit us on

16.          A. bad
                B. upgrade
                C. qualified
                D. nice

17.          A.won’t
                B. can’t
                C. haven’t
                D. should’t

18.          A. to
                B. for
                C. at
                D. in

May 28, 2015
Inara Lightings, Ltd.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document Controller in your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science (19)... of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. I bring with me several years of (20) information systems analyst of leading companies that include Nissan Motor Philippines, Inc.
My strong computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software, and project management tools are but some of the things that make me an asset to your company.
Attached is my resume for your perusal. Should you require any further information, I can be (21)... at 632-555-1234 (during regular business hours), or at 632-555-6789 (during regular business hours).

19.          A. graduating
                B. graduate
                C. graduated
                D. grade

20.          A. experienced
                B. experience
                C. experiences
                D. expert

21.          A. contact
                B. reached
                C. call
                D. phone

SMAN Englishindo(22)... a scholarship for 100 students of Junior High School. The following requirements should be noticed :
- High interest in English and Matchs
- (23).... for IT course, including Office, Photoshop, Coreldraw, Autocad
It is also allowed for Headmaster of the school to give (24)....... letter to make the grantee accepted.
For further details, visit our blogsite at

22.          A. brings
                B. takes
                C. gives
                D. puts

23.          A. certified
                B. certifying
                C. certifies
                D. certify

24.          A. renovation
                B. resolution
                C. reformation
                D. recommendation

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Latihan Ujian 2015

Hi, guys....
Untuk materi Part Picture, bisa kalian minta di Bu Rosita. Ada dalam bentuk Powerpoint. Belajar baik-baik... Hm... di bagian komen kok gak ada isinya yaaaah.... Ga papa west, yang penting umak semua lulus dengan baek... Luph U all.

Latihan Ujian Sekolah 2015

Listening Section

Part 4: Short Talk

There are some steps to cook rice well. The first thing you have to do is that you must wash the rice repeatedly in cold water. Than put it in with some water in a pan. After that, boil it. Cook it for about 15 minutes. Next, steam the rice for about 45 minutes. Finally, the rice is ready to serve.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A.      How to make rice
B.      How to cook rice
C.      How to make a fried rice
D.      How to boil the water

2. How many ways of cooking rice are there?
A.      One
B.      Two
C.      Three
D.      Four

Teacher, missing, Mr. Waluyo, age45, failed to return to his apartement on Saturday night. Mr. Waluyo is 170 cm tall, weight 50 kg and has short black hair.
He was wearing a black jacket, jeans and running shoes when last seen.
Anyone who saw him please contact Narry at 6412787 or 081 2456099.

3. What does the announcement tell about?
A.      The location of Mr. Waluyo aprtement
B.      An introduction of a New teacher
C.      A missing person
D.      Nanny, the contact person

4. What did Mr. Waluyo look like whe the last seen?
A.      He was very young man
B.      He lived in apartemen
C.      He wore sport shoes
D.      He had long hair

Here are some on how to install any additional software from a CD or DVD:
-          Insert the disc into the optical drive
-          When the instalation is over, follow the on screen instuctions
-          Restart the computer if promted to do so.

5. What is the text about?
A.      Inserting the letters into the drive
B.      Installing additional software from a CD or DVD
C.      Following the computer monitor
D.      Restarting the computer

6. What should we do when the instalation is over?
A.      Insert the CD or DVD
B.      Restart the computer
C.      Follow the on screen instuction
D.      Turn off the computer

Do you want to have a nice and homey home in a mountainous area of Candi, Semarang with the lowest cost? Call 012-9448895

7. Where is the location of the house offered?
A.      In a hilly place
B.      Near thye mountain
C.      In a low area
D.      Near Semarang

8. What can you do if you need further information?
A.      Visit the area
B.      By e-mail
C.      Call the information center
D.      Call 012-9448895

Its very easy to greet a visitor at the recepsionist dsk. First, say hello. Then , ask his name and the name of the person he is here to see.Have him sign the guest book and take a seat in the lobby. Then call the person he is visiting.

9. What is the first thing a receptionist should do to a visitor?
A.      Say hello
B.      Ask his name
C.      Have him sign the book
D.      Call the person he is visiting

10. What should receptionist do after have him sign the guest book?
A.      Call the person
B.      Ask his name
C.      Take a seat in the lobby
D.      Say hello

Attention shoppers,
Someone has turned in a left purse. It was found on the floor of the woman’s good departments. If the purse is yours, please come to customer counter to claim it.

11. Where is the speaker?
A.      In a department store
B.      At the airport
C.      In a school
D.      In the office

12. If the purse is yours, what should you do then?
A.      Call the announcer
B.      Visit the office
C.      Call the information center
D.      Come to the customer service counter

Latihan Ujian Sekolah 2015

Listening Section

Part 3: Short Conversation
Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
— I'll take two. Here you are.
— Do you have any smaller bills? I'm afraid I don't have change for a hundred.
— I'm sorry, I don't. And I don't have my checkbook with me either. Do you accept credit cards?
— No, only cash and check. There's an ATM machine in the bank across the street.

1.  What problem does the woman have?
A.      She cannot change his job.
B.      She does not have enough money.
C.      Her bills are too large.
D.      She forgot his checkbook.

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang pemesanan sesuatu/pemberitahuan tentang keadaan suatu barang.
— Yes, I'd like a double cheeseburger, small fries, and a chocolate milkshake please.
— I'm sorry, our milkshake machine is broken. How about a Coke instead?
— I think I'll have a medium root beer. Also, could you make the fries a large, please?
— No problem. So, that's a double cheeseburger, large fries and a medium root beer. Would you like anything else today?

2. What does the woman say about her order?
A.      She wants a large root beer.
B.      She asks to change the size of her fries.
C.      She wants a triple cheeseburger.
D.      She agrees to substitute a Coke for a milkshake.

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang suatu perijinan/perjanjian
— Kelly, do you think you'd be able to trade shifts with me? You work my Friday shift, and I'll work your Monday shift?
— Sorry Frank, I can't do that this week. It's too short a notice; I already have plans. Have you checked with Tim? He was saying that he needs extra hours.
— Yes I have. In fact, I've checked with everyone else. You're my last hope.
— If you can wait, I can trade with you next Friday no problem.

3. What can be inferred about Tim?
A.      He is not Frank's colleague.
B.      He wants to make more money.
C.      He will switch shifts with Kelly.
D.      He is usually unhelpful.

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari
percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan masa lampau/pendapat terhadap sesuatu hal (benda/tempat/masalah)
— Good day, how can I help you madam?
— I'm afraid I need to return this mobile phone. You see, it doesn't work properly. First of all, the numbers 5 and 9 stick when I dial. Secondly, the camera won't switch on when I want to take pictures.
— I see. Terribly sorry about that. Our store policy is no refunds, but as long as you have your receipt, you can exchange the phone for any model of equal or lesser value. And I'll check to make sure your new phone works properly before you leave the store.
— Thank you very much. I'll have a look around then, and decide which one I want. Do you have any recommendations?

4. What problem does the woman have?
A.      Her cell phone isn't working.
B.      Her keyboard is stuck.
C.      Her camera is broken.
D.      Her receipt has been lost.

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung

— Betty, fancy seeing you here. I didn't know you rode the subway.
— I don't usually. It's just that I'm fed up with driving and paying so much for gas, and the buses are crowded and unreliable. So I thought I'd give this a try.
— I know what you mean. I started taking the subway two years ago, and it's wonderful! From the Scott Street station, it's only a block and a half to our building. And going home, the 52nd Street stop is only two blocks from my apartment. When I was driving, I wasn't getting nearly as much exercise.
— Exactly! Plus, the subway's cheaper than gas in the long run. And the trains leave every 15 minutes, so if I miss one I don't have to wait long for another. So, did you say we should get off at Scott Street?

No. 5 What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A.      The merits of the subway
B.      The high cost of gasoline
C.      Which station to get off at
D.      How to get more exercise

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang pemesanan sesuatu/pemberitahuan tentang keadaan suatu barang.

— Pardon me sir. I need to plug-in my laptop computer. Would you mind if I used the outlet by your chair?
— Not at all, but I'm afraid it doesn't work. I tried it earlier.
— Oh, that's a problem. I guess we can't always count on the outlets. After all, this is a coffee shop, not an office. But it seems all the other outlets are being used.
— Why don't you ask at the counter? Maybe they have an extension cord, so you could plug into an outlet down the hall near the restrooms.

No. 6
What does the woman want to do?
A.      Purchase an extension cord
B.      Plug in her laptop computer
C.      Borrow the man's computer
D.      Recharge her laptop battery

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang suatu perijinan/perjanjian

— Hey Ellie. We're going to Lucky Dragon for lunch. Want to come?
— I can't. I'm covering the phones for Scott. He had an 11:30 dental appointment.
— Oh that's too bad. Want us to bring you something back?
— Yes, thank you. I'll have the Kung Pao Chicken with Chow Mien. Could you hand me my purse, please?

No. 7
What will the woman probably do next?
A.      Answer the telephone
B.      Give the man money
C.      Order lunch
D.      Use the bathroom

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari
percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan masa lampau/pendapat terhadap sesuatu hal (benda/tempat/masalah)

— Wow, everything looks so good! I'm not sure what to order.
— Have anything you like. It's on the company. Personally, I recommend the lobster. It's fresh from Maine -- the best in town. But the steaks are also quite good. They use only grass-fed Angus cows. And for dessert, you've got to try the New York Cheesecake!
— Well thank you. That all sounds delicious. I think I'll have the lobster and a bowl of clam chowder. How about you?
— I'm going to try a T-bone steak and a Caesar salad. Now, what type of wine do you fancy?

No. 8
Who will pay for the meal?
A.      The man
B.      The man's firm
C.      The woman's company
D.      The man and the woman

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung

— Congratulations, Gino! Or should I say, "Vice President Martenelli?"
— (chuckles) Not yet, Marie. It doesn't take effect until next month. I am excited about the new opportunity though. And a little scared too, to tell you the truth. It's more money, but also a LOT more responsibility. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
— Sure you are. And you're going to do just great! After all, Ms. Robertson wouldn't have chosen you if she didn't think you were well-qualified. You've earned your new position, so relax. I'm proud of you!
— Thanks, Marie. Actually, I am going to relax for a while. I'm taking some vacation time and going to Mexico for a week before I start.
9. What does the man plan to do?
A.      Celebrate with the woman
B.      Thank Ms. Robertson
C.      Take over the company
D.      Go on vacation

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang pemesanan sesuatu/pemberitahuan tentang keadaan suatu barang.

— Morning, Melissa. Where are you off to so early on a Saturday?
— There's a huge sale today at CostLess. Most items are at least 50 percent off. The store doesn't open until 9, but I need to get in line.
— Well, you'd better bring a book or a laptop with you; it's going to be a long wait. Those CostLess sales are always crazy. Good luck fighting the mob!
— Oh I don't mind. I have some knitting to keep me busy, and it's worth it to get half off a new TV. Have a good day!

10. Who most likely are the speakers?
A.      Colleagues
B.      Classmates
C.      Neighbors
D.      Best friends

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang suatu perijinan/perjanjian

— Hello, Sheila Sarkesian? This is Mark Fredricks with Watson and Williams. You interviewed with us last week.
— Oh yes, Mr. Fredricks. How are you?
— I'm doing well. I'm phoning to tell you that you're a finalist for the position, and we'd like you to come in for a second interview on Wednesday or Thursday.
— Wednesday works great. What time should I be there?

11. Why is the man calling the woman?
A.      To schedule a meeting
B.      To offer her a job
C.      To thank her for applying
D.      To request more information

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari
percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan masa lampau/pendapat terhadap sesuatu hal (benda/tempat/masalah)

— Morning, Sally. Did you have a good weekend?
— Yes, I did. On Saturday we went hiking at Trout Lake, and yesterday we saw Titanium Man.
— Oh I've seen that. Isn't it great? The action scenes were awesome! And I think Richard Crowley Jr. should win the Oscar for best actor!
— Yeah, Crowley Jr. was superb. But I thought the movie was so-so. It was too long, and wasn't as suspenseful as I thought.
12. When does the conversation take place?
A.      On Friday
B.      On Saturday
C.      On Sunday
D.      On Monday

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Latihan Ujian Sekolah 2015

Reading Test....

From: Corinne Von Schieveen, Human Resources
To: Hiroshi Nakamura
Date : October 9

This notice serves to confirm payment of your household goods move. A household goods move includes the relocation of your household goods from Toronto to one destination in the Atlanta area, and must be completed by the first anniversary of your employment.

When you are ready to obtain an estimate of moving expenses. Please pay a visit to Human Resources department for assistance. We will put you in touch with our contracted carries. Once estimates are submitted to Human Resources for review and approval, we eill issue a letter of acceptance to the carrier. If you should choose instead to hire a third party mover, we will provide direct payment to that mover at the conclusion of your move.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Corinne Von Schieveen
Human Resources

1. Who wrote this message?
A.      A real estate agent                                       
B.      A travel agent
C.      A moving company employee                 
D.      A personnel officer

2. What is the subject of the message?
A.      Payment of moving expenses                   
B.      Insurance claims
C.      Customer complaints                                                    
D.      Employee retirement plans

3. What is indicated in the letter?
A.      Actions must be completed with in a year           
B.      Estimates have not been accepted
C.      The value of Mr. Nakamura’s home has increased
D.      Payment must be sent immediately

Business Profile    : Simon Technologies, Inc.
Location               : Corporate Headquarters in Chicago, manufacturing plants in Mexico City and Taipei.
Business               : Design and manufacture switches used on equipment such as microwave ovens and
                              gasoline pumps. Switches are custome-made for 80% of customers. Customers are in
                              twelve countries and include major manufacturers of cellular phones.
Employees            : 150 in Chicago, 500 worldwide
Sales                    : Simon Technologies had $ 12.8 million in annual sales last year. Since then, sales have
                              increased about 200% to over $ 38 million. Projected sales increased for the coming
                              year: 25%.l
History                 : Founded in  1979 as a division of H.A. Grady Co. Became independent in 1995.
Future                  :The industry leader in design and manufacturing, Simon Technologies focuses on being a 
                             world-class supplier of innovative product and on increasing annual growth by at least
                             10% each year.

4. What does Simon Technologies product?
A.      Switches                                                             
B.      Gasoline pumps
C.      Microwave
D.      Phones

5. In how many countries does Simon Technologies have facilities?
A.      One                                                      
B.      Three
C.      Two
D.      Twelve

6. What percent increase of sales is predicted for the  next year?
A.      10%                                                       
B.      80%
C.      25%
D.      200%

Lorraine Kulasingam has worked in the fashion industry as a stylist for ten years, choosing the clothing that models and movie stars wear for on-camera appearances. “I’m the one who decides how the actors look,” she says. “ I love it. Every day is different.”
Although Lorraine routinely meets famous movie stars, there is a disadvantage to her job: she often works 18-hour days, and she has to accomodate everyone’s schedule. “It’s pretty tiring,” she admits. “But I wouldn’t change careers for anyhting”.

7. What is indicated about Ms. Kulasingam’s job?
A.      She has recently changed careers.          
B.      She gets tired of doing the same thing
C.      She often works very long days.              
D.      She recently received a promotion
8. What could be considered a benefit of her position?
A.      Meeting famous people.             
B.      Being able to set her own work hours
C.      Receiving free accommodatin   
D.      Being in management-level position

Department store in the capital region, suffering from a prolonged slump in sales, are changing tactics by marketing new product and making their display more interesting. Some stores are reducing the amount of floor space devoted to name brands in order to display more of their own house brands. Others are using existing floor space for their own special shops. Still others are targeting special segments of the population – business men in their 20’s for example. Stores that are developing their own brands  are able to offer quality clothing at 30 percent off name-brand prices. They also have increased flexibility in responding to shifting market trends.

9. What has caused department stores to alter marking strategies?
A.      Poor sales                          
B.      New tax regulation
C.      Lack of storage space
D.      Production costs

10. Which strategy in NOT being implemented
A.      Purchasing additional floor space
B.      Developing in –store brands
C.      Marketing to specific groups of people
D.      Making displays more interesting