Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tugas Untuk X MM-C Jumat 14 Juni 2012

Hey, there!
Assalamu'alaikum. Here's your task for today. Please work on it in a piece of paper and put them in laboratory after you finish. Ok?

For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.

1. I ________ for seven hours last night.
    a) was slept b) slept c) has slept
2. I ________ that you were here.
   a) wasn't knowing b) didn't knew c) didn't know
3. When I came to this city, I ________ anyone.
   a) haven't known b) didn't know c) wasn't knowing
4. You know where I live. I ________ in the same place for the past three years.
   a) have been living b) had lived c) was living
5. You ________ my brother, have you?
   a) haven't seen b) didn't see c) didn’t saw
6. Where ________ last night?
   a) have you gone b) did you went c) did you go
7. I ________ in bed when I heard the accident outside.
   a) was lying b) lay c) have lain
8. Did you just _________ me a liar?
   a) call b) called c) have called
9. She is a mean person. I don't like ________ to her.
   a) talk b) talking c) have talk
10. I don't know how ________.
  a) dance b) dancing c) to dance

Task 2:

topic: Basic Modals Exercise
For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can, must) that is most appropriate.
NB: In American English, “must” often sounds old-fashioned and/or bossy - it’s more natural in most cases to say “have to” as in “You have to be at the airport at 9” not “You must be at the airport at 9”.

1. This ________ be dangerous if you don’t have the right equipment.
     a) should b) can
2. You ________ yell at your parents. It’s not nice.
     a) shouldn’t b) can’t
3. I ________ have seen that movie eight times.
     a) must b) can
4. I can’t allow you to hang around here. = I ________ have you hanging around here.
     a) shouldn’t b) can’t
5. P1: Isn’t that Charlie’s umbrella? P2: Yes, he ________ have left it here yesterday.
     a) should b) must
6. ________ I borrow your pen for a minute?
     a) Can b) Should
7. P1: ________ you speak Japanese? P2: No, I can’t.
     a) Can b) Must
8. It’s late. I ________ get going.
     a) can b) should
9. I saw that pen this morning. It ________ be around here somewhere.
     a) must b) can
10. I ________ understand what he’s saying.
     a) shouldn’t b) can’t

That's all... Good luck!

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