Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tugas Siswa hari Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Untuk kelas X RPL-B, X RPL-C dan X Pd-E yang seharusnya hari ini ada kelas Bahasa Inggris bersama dengan Pak Yudi, mohon untuk mengerjakan tugas berikut ya. Kerjakan di selembar kertas lalu kumpulkan di lab bahasa Inggris jika sudah selelsai. Ingat, tuliskan beserta dengan SOAL-nya. Terimakasih...


Isilah titik-titik dengan Simple Present atau Present Continuous.

1. He usually ............. (go) to work by bus.
2. Tess ................... (talk) on the phone now.
3. Peter and Gina ........... (love) hip-hop.
4. Mr. Andrews ................. (not, like) fast food.
5. Be quiet! The baby .................... (sleep) in his bedroom.
6. Mary’s daughter ................ (study) in Boston at the moment
7. The film ......... (be) outstanding! You should watch it!
8. My father ............... (watch) a documentary on TV.
9. I ............. (hate) working early in the morning.
10. They never ............... (pay) attention to my words.
11. The train .............. (leave) at half past seven.
12. I ...............(leave) now, my parents must be worried!
13. Water ............... (freeze) at 0ÂșC.
14. The water ...........(boil) on the cooker! Turn it off!
15. Harry sometimes ..............(play) tennis at the club.
16. Betty .................. (play) the flute now. She’s rehearsing!
17. My students rarely ...............(say) a word in English!
18. It rarely ............. (rain) in summer.
19. Look! It ................ (rain) cats and dogs! We can’t go out now.
20. I never .............. (get up) before 7.30.
21. Are you sure this dress .................(suit) me?
22. Susan ............... (do) her homework in her bedroom.
23. The Earth .......... (go) around the Sun.
24. They ............. (have) difficulties at the moment.
25. Samuel always .......(do) his homework before dinner but today he ........ (help) his Mum.

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