Sunday, January 8, 2012

Used to, Get used to

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Used to, be used to, get used to

Used to

Used to dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang dulu sering / selalu terjadi atau merupakan sebuah kenyataan di masa lalu tetapi sekarang tidak lagi:


  • David used to live in Madrid.

(but now he lives in Surabaya)

  • She used to exercise every morning.

(but since she had that terrible accident she doesn't exercise anymore)

Bentuk dari used to

(?) Did you use to exercise regualrly?

(+) Yes, I used to go jogging nearly everyday.

( - )No, I didn't use to exercise regularly.

Be used to

Be used to digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu normal dilakukan, biasa dilakukan.


  • I'm used to living alone.
  • Don't worry, John is used to driving for long hours. He has worked as a professional driver for 20 years.

Get used

Get used menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu sedang dalam proses menjadi normal, bahwa seseorang akan terbiasa pada sesuatu.


  • He doesn't like that small town, but he'll get used to it.
  • She found the heels too high, but she got used to them.
  • Since the divorce, she has become very sad. But I think she'll get used to her new life.


Get used to and be used to bisa diikuti oleh gerund maupun noun.

Get used to + noun

Get used to + gerund (verb+ing)

I got used to the noise
I'm used to the cold weather

I got used to waking up early
I'm used to working late at night


Artikan kalimat-kalimat berikut (nomor 1 – 3 adalah contoh, dicatat ya!):

1. He used to be fat but now he's thin. Dulu dia gemuk tetapi sekarang dia kurus.

2. He isn't used to working in these bad conditions. Dia tidak terbiasa bekerja dalam keadaan buruk.

3. How did you get used to working in the middle of this mess ? Bagaimana kau membiasakan diri bekerja di kekacauan ini?

4. Did you use to write poems when you were young?

5. I need some time to get used to living in this town.

6. Sting used to be a teacher before he became a famous singer.

7. I'm not used to washing linen by hand.

8. She'll get used to living in the extremely cold winter of Siberia.

9. My mother didn't use to drink much coffee. But now she has become addicted to it

10. There used to be a lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.

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