Monday, February 22, 2016

SKL 2016


Listening (Mendengarkan)
Memahami makna dalam wacana
lisan interpersonal, transaksional,
monolog sederhana dan teks fungsional pendek berkaitan dengan
kehidupan sehari-hari, pekerjaan dan
1.       Pictures

Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di dalam ruangan (indoor)/di luar ruangan (outdoor) sesuai dengan gambar.  (soal 1)

Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang lokasi suatu benda/posisi seseorang sesuai dengan gambar. (soal 2)

Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri fisik) seseorang/deskripsi benda sesuai dengan gambar. (soal 3)


Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap pernyataan/ pertanyaan lisan yang berisi pemberian saran/ pendapat. (soal 4, 5)

Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap pernyataan/
pertanyaan lisan yang mengungkapkan sebuah undangan /penawaran (soal 6,7)

3. Short Conversation

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung (soal 8)

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/ informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang memberikan pujian (soal 9)

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari
percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan masa lampau (soal 10)

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari
percakapan lisan singkat tentang pilihan tindakan (soal 11)

4. Short Talk (Monolog)
Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat dengan tepat dari monolog lisan singkat berbentuk news item atau report (soal 12 – 13)

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat dengan tepat dari monolog lisan singkat berbentuk pengumuman singkat/iklan singkat/brosur suatu produk. (soal 14 – 15)

Reading (Membaca)
Memahami dan merespon makna
dalam wacana tulis
pendek dan esai sederhana bentuk
recount/news item/procedure secara
akurat dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari, pekerjaan dan

5. Error Recognition

Menentukan kata/frasa yang salah yang terdapat dalam kalimat yang menyatakan deskripsi benda/tempat (soal 16)

Menentukan kata/frasa yang salah yang terdapat dalam kalimat yang menyatakan deskripsi fisik seseorang (physical appearance)/benda atau profesi seseorang. (soal 17)

Menentukan kata/frasa yang salah yang terdapat dalam kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian/pilihan tindakan. (soal 18)

Menentukan kata/frasa yang salah yang terdapat dalam kalimat yang menyatakan perasaan seseorang terhadap sesuatu /pendapat seseorang /persetujuan (soal 19)

Menentukan kata/frasa yang salah yang terdapat dalam kalimat yang menyatakan keharusan (soal 20)

6. Reading Comprehension

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau makna kata/frasa dalam surat/memo/pesan/e-mail bersifat bisnis. (soal 21 – 22)

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau makna kata/frasa dari deskripsi sesuatu atau seseorang (soal 23 – 24)

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau makna kata/frasa pada deskripsi pekerjaan seseorang di waktu lampau/job descriptions /biography (soal 25 – 26)

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum
atau informasi rinci/informasi tersirat, atau makna kata/frasa dalam sebuah teks procedure dalam bentuk a.l. manual/ resep/ petunjuk/instruksi atau iklan. (soal 27 – 28)

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum
atau informasi rinci/informasi tersirat, atau makna kata/frasa dalam sebuah teks recount (soal 29 – 31)

Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan dan merespon makna interpersonal dan
transaksional, esai/monolog pendek
dan teks fungsional pendek berkaitan
dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, pekerjaan dan keprofesian.
7. Incomplete Dialog

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi uraian tentang suatu persetujuan (soal 32)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi kegiatan waktu lampau/passive voice.  (soal 33)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi pengandaian (soal 34)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi suatu pengandaian (soal 35)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi rencana/janji yang akan datang (soal 36)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung (soal 37)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi uraian tentang kegiatan rutin/gerund (soal 38)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung (soal 39)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang terkait dengan kegiatan yang telah berlangsung dan mengacu pada kesudahannya (soal 40)

Menentukan ungkapan untuk melengkapi dialog yang berisi pujian (soal 41)

8. Cloze Test

Menentukan kosa kata (kata kerja/kata depan/kata sifat) yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tidak lengkap pada suatu news item (soal 42 – 44)

Menentukan kosa kata (kata kerja/kata depan/kata sifat) yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tidak lengkap pada sebuah
pengumuman/pemberitahuan (soal 45 – 47)

Menentukan kosa kata (kata kerja/kata depan/kata sifat) yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tidak lengkap pada recount text (soal 48 – 50)


Gaes... yang di bawah ini latihan soal buat persiapan US 2016. Dibaca-baca yaaaa...


Santi      : I prefer living in a small city like Solo to a big one like Jakarta
                                                       A                                      B
Mirna    : I am also, the air is fresher
                       C                              D
Albert : Which one is your dictionary, Aldi?
Aldi : It is thick, green and red cover. Iput it ofthe table.
                                                           B                  C
Albert : Where did you buy it?

Aldi : I bought it in Gramedia yesterday.
Mrs. Wales         : I am from Bumi Putra. I have interesting insurance program for your family.
                                   Should you like to take one of this program?
Mr. Andy             :  Can you explain it more detail?
Mrs. Wales         : Sure. I’ll make some illustrations to you.
Leony : What would you do if you win a million dollars?
Sean : I would build houses for poor people. Then, I would travel around the world to visit
                             B                           C
some foreign countries.
Almira   : Actually, I really want to be a stewardess, but I don’t know how
      Fahmi              : Why you try to get more information about it?
     Almira              : Well, can you help me to find it?
     Fahmi               : All right, I’ll look for it in the internet
My name’s Roger Mooler. I started to work when I was in the first grade of Vocational School. I worked in a big and famous supermarket in town as a freelancer. I did my job for about seven months. I stayed behind the cashier. I put the shopping stuff into the plastic bags. Sometimes I had to put those stuff into the trolley and took them to the customer’s cars. I quit because I was bored. I did it day by day. One day, I met the store manager and told her that I wanted to quit. She tried to make me think it over. She promised me to give better job. But, I had made up my mind. I had to find better job.

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
                A. Roger Mooler made up his mind to continue his job.
                B. Roger Mooler tried to think over to quit his job.
                C. Roger Mooler quit his job since he felt bored.
                D. Roger Mooler had found better job.

I want to tell you about my memorable times in Singapore. It was one of the best holidays I ever had.I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city. I saw from mount fable that night. The roller coaster ride the stunts performance by dolphins and the killer whale at the Sea Word were also exciting. I shall remember the thrill of having been on one of the longest ridingin the monorail in Sentosa Island for many years to come.
I also enjoyed various varieties of Sea food at the make shift rod side stalls at the China town night market. I also enjoyed the shopping trips. My family and friends agreed that the souvenirs were value for money, especially the silk scarves with pretty prints and the attractive key Chairs.

What did the writer do at the China town?
A.      He had a roller coaster experience
B.      He had a various varieties of Sea foods
C.      He enjoyed the snails.
D.      He enjoyed the souvenirs

The Personal Manager of Progressive Pte Ltd.
43 Anggrek St IV Jakarta 10832
Dear sir,
I read with interest your advertisement in today’s News Times and would appreciate it if could consider my application for a book keeper.
I’m 27 years of age and married with one child. I have a thorough knowledge of book keeping and 4 years experience as a book keeper in a well –known accountancy firm of Messrs Ong &Tan. Though I have had very pleasant working conditions, I feel an organization such as your offers more scope for advancement than I expect for my present employer. Moreover I have always aspired to work in an organization of international standing.
I enclose two copies of testimonials by Messrs John Tan & Alan Ang to vouch for my character and capabilities. I hope I may be granted an interview at which I would be pleased to provide any further information you may need.
 Yours faithfully
Where did Jansen  know this vacancy from?
                A. an advertisement on the television                   
                B. an advertisement on a newspaper    
C. an advertisement on an internet        
D. an advertisement on a radio

Follow the simple instruction to purchase or increased value of a multi transit pass.
1.          To buy a new pass, insert coin or bills into the upper left slot as you insert money, total will appear in the window. Indicate the amount that you would like to purchase the up or down arrow. Push the “ticket” button, take the ticket and our change.
2.          If you have a pass and would like to add money to it, insert the pass into the machine. The window will indicate the value of the pass. Insert money until you have added the desired amount. Then push the “ticket” button and remove the ticket.
Passes are good on all city trains and buses. Prices between destinations are listed on the back of this instruction.

How do passengers know that value of their current pass?
A.        It is on the back of the instruction
B.         It appears on a screen
C.         It is written on it
D.        The bus driver tells them

This is how to send a fax documents. First open the document’s readied and insert the documents fix down. Dial the fax number and pressed the start button. If the document jam, press the cover open button and removed the jammed document carefully. Don’t pull out the jammed paper possibly before opening the cover.  

What is the function of the text?
A.   Showing how to insert a document in the fax machine
B.   Showing how to dial the number in the fax machine
C.   Showing how to send documents by a fax machine
D.   Showing how to remove the fax machine

Karanganyar, 21st December 2015
To :Hery
Karanganyar Street No 23 Demak 59582

Dear Hery,
Hi Hery, how is everything? I hope you are fine. I am well in these few days.
Here, I want to tell you about my holiday. I went to Mount Muria last holiday. I went to the Montel Waterfall. It was interesting. I took some picture there. I bought some souvenir for you.
I think that’s all. I am looking forward to hear from you.


What is the main purpose of the letter above?
A.      To take a picture.
B.      To tell about holiday.
C.      To welcome someone.
D.      To giving things.

A winter storm warming is in effect for this area through midnight tonight. Heavy rain is expected, turning to snow by late this afternoon. This will create ice hazards tonight as the rain and snow freeze over. This means dangerous icy conditions for rush hour tomorrow

What is the word  ‘this’  in the third sentence mean?
A.   The effect o f the rain
B.   Heavy rain which will turn to snow
C.   A winter storm at midnight
D.   The expecting raining tonight

Ms. Joanna Wallace
Chief Finance Officer of Cooper Trading Corp.
          I am pleased to recommend Mr. Alfred Engels for the position of apprentice trader. Mr. Engels was my student in Marketing at the University of Missouri. He excelled not only in academics but also in leadership, particularly as student council chairman. He was a member of the College Honors Society.
          Mr. Engels has strong persuasive skills and a very positive work outlook--qualities that should make him a valuable member of your organization.
With my best wishes,
Charles B. Kettering

What is not mentioned as strength of Alfred Engels?
A.      Trading experience.
B.      Leadership exposure.
C.      Scholarship.
D.      Persuasiveness.

Desy      : The government should prohibit smoking in public places. Besides it’s not good
                                 for passive smokers, there will be more dangerous for them.
      Mira                 : ... It's awful sitting next to someone smoking.
A.      Probably not.
B.      I can't say so.
C.      That’s true.
D.      I disagree.

Roger   : Would you like to go cycling tomorrow morning?
Samy    : ... I have to finish my homework.
A. I'm afraid I can't.
B. Certainly.
C. That sounds great.
D. Oh that's terrific.

Marissa                : Happy Earth Day. It’s time for us to start saving the earth
       Daniel            : That’s right. … in the right place and start recycling it.
A.      We have to waste our electricity
B.      We don’t need to care about the litter
C.      We must throw the garbage
D.      We can’t ride our bicycle

Alya: Tell me, what do you do in your spare time, ?
Karl :      ... I always try a new recipe from the newest Cooking Book.
A.      I enjoy collecting traditional utensils.
B.      I care about Japanese tofu.
C.      I like preparing the table.
D.      I love eating many kinds of food.

Katty: My mother ... Indonesian to foreign food but I like Chinese food very much.
                 How about you and your mom?
Jenny    : My mom and me have the same favourite food, Japanese food.
A.      would rather
B.      prefer
C.      likes better
D.      prefers

Vitra      : Who do you work for?
      Rere                                : A drug company. I’m in the marketing department
      Vitra                : What does it involve?
      Rere                                : I visit factories and …
A.      Audit the finance report
B.      Check the quality products
C.      Show some of our products
D.      Arrange meetings

Mrs. Andrea : ... Introduce yourself and tell me about your CV.
Brenda : My name is brenda, I am 20 years old, I have an experience in operating computer, I can speak and write English well.
A.      Speak slowly, please!
B.      Talk to me!
C.      Sit down, please!
D.      Please speak slowly!

Mother: Your windows ... last night. Make sure everything is fine before you sleep.
Jack    : I am sorry mom, I won’t do it again.
A.      was opened
B.      were opened
C.      opened
D.      is opened

Mrs. Maria          : What is Mrs. Anggi doing right now?
       Aji                    : …
       Mrs. Maria   : Okay, then I’ll wait here until she finishes with her customer.
A.      She was operating the computer
B.      She will be mending the computer
C.      She is talking to a client
D.      She is being preparing lunch for everyone

You arrive at the airport in another country, but your luggage doesn’t(48) …..withyou. When the airport staff cannot find it, you go unhappily to your hotel room. Now you have to use the telephone for help.
Will someone at the airline help you too quickly? Yes, if you are friendly and (49) …... Good manners are the key to success on the telephone. Here are few suggestion.
·         Speak slowly and pronounce your word clearly. You want the other people understand you.
·         Speak with smile. People like to hear pleasant voice.
·         Always identify yourself right away. For example, If you make a business call, start with, “Hello, this is Janet. May I speak to Paul Corney, please?
·         (50) ….. sure to leave a complete message. You can say, “Please ask Mr. Carney to give me a call about the lost luggage.
Finally, always thanks the person you speak with. After all, he or she took the time very much for your help. Say “thanks a lot” or “thank you very much”

23.          A. away
                B. upgrade
                C. arrive
                D. delay

24.          A.rude
                B. polite
                C. harsh
                D. impatient

25.          A. is
                B. be
                C. am
                D. are