Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pre-Test UAS Semester 5


Part 1. Incomplete Dialogues
1.         Edo        : Hello, I’m Edo. May I know your name, please?
         Slamet  : Sure, my name is Slamet. I’m from Jepara. What about you?
         Edo        : ...

a.    I like fishing
b.    I’m from Raja Ampat
c.     Very good
d.    How are you?

2.         Doni       : What’s your hobby?
         Aris        : I like ....
         Doni       : Really? How many stamps do you have?
         Aris        : I’ve already collected 3 albums.

a.    Swimming
b.    Travelling
c.     Philately
d.    Fishing

3.         Hilda   : Finally, all is done. You’ve helped me a lot during my difficult situation.
         Gina   : ...

a.    That’s what friends are for.
b.    What a shame.
c.     Oh dear, how could it happen?
d.    I’m sorry to hear that.

4.         Tommy    : Are you sure, you are ok?
         Maria       : …, The test makes me worried. That’s all.

a.     I’m fine thank you.
b.    it’s amazing.
c.     I hope so.
d.    I’m sorry.

5.         Nike       : Hey, what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your blouse.
         Sinta      : .... my sister bought it for me last month.

a.    Thanks a lot
b.    That’s awful
c.     Great job
d.    I know how it feels

6.         Yuni served delicious dinner to her guest, Anita.
         Anita     : Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yuni.
         Yuni       : …………………

a.    I’m very hungry too.
b.    When will you invite me for dinner too?
c.     Don’t eat too much, Anita.
d.    It’s my pleasure, Anita.

8.         Juna       : Do you have any plan for next holiday?
         Arjun     : ....
         Juna       : Great! Can I go with you?

a.    I have visited Madakaripura waterfall.
b.    I’m going to go to Bromo.
c.     I would rather stay at home.
d.    I’m swimming at the beach.

9.         Haris      : I have a birthday party this weekend. Will you come?
         Gea        : ..., but I have to stay at home to keep my little brother.
         Haris      : That’s ok.

a.    Will you?
b.    That’s too bad
c.     Sure, I’ll come
d.    I’d love to

10.     Fadel     : Hi, Mira. What’s your daughter doing these days?
         Mira       : Oh, she’s in college. In fact, she plans to graduate this June.
         Fadel     : That’s ...! You must be very proud of her.
a.    Congratulations
b.    Wonderful
c.     It’s good
d.    Thanks a lot

An old man and his grandson was in their garden one day. The old man was planting a mango tree. His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it.          
“Why do you want to plant the tree?” asked his grandson. “By the time it bares fruits, you’d might be too old to enjoy them.”
 The old man smiled. He wiped his dirty hands on an old rag and pat his grandson’s head. “I might be too old to enjoy them. But YOU won’t. I plant them for you and your friends. This is my gift for the future!”
 The child looked confused, but he managed to smile. “ Someday you’ll understand, young man.” Smiled the old man.

11.   What did the man do in his garden?

A.      Buy a gift for his grandson
B.      Talking about his grandson
C.      Enjoy the mango fruits
D.      Plant a mango tree

12.   Which of the following statement is true based on the text:
A.      The boy was a little confused
B.      The boy was planting some flowers
C.      The boy helped his grandmother plant a tree
D.      The boy understood everything grandpa said

13.   His grandson helped him dig the hole, and put the tree inside it. (line 2)
       The word with closest meaning with the word ‘put’ is....

A.      Took
B.      Take
C.      Throw
D.      Placed

 14.   Student : …… carry these books to your room, sir?
       Teacher : No, thanks. I can do it myself.

a. Do you want 
b. May I help you  
            c. Shall I do  
            d. Can you help        

15.   Rony  : You look so weak, Dandy.
       Dandy: Yes, I am very tired.
       Rony  : I think you'd better take a rest.
       From the dialogue we may conclude that Rony………Dandy to take a rest.

a. Orders
b. Advises
            c. asks opinion 
            d. commands

16.   Erisa      : I think students should be allowed to bring cellphone to class. We need cellphone to
                        communicate with our teacher and also to take pictures for our lesson.
        Nurhay : I don’t think so. I think it’s bad idea for students to have cellphone at their classes.
                        Sometimes they open the cellphone during lesson and do not pay attention to their
      From the conversation above, which of these statement is correct?

A.      Students should not bring gadget to class
B.      Erisa thinks that students need cellphone in class
C.      Nurhay thinks that it’s a bad idea if students don’t have cellphone
D.      Gadget is an important factor in a student’s life

          Many highschool students complain about having too much homework. They say that they barey have time to play anymore. Their time at home is spent mostly to do the homework. In one day, students might get about 4 different tasks from 4 different subjects. Each task is time consuming, since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’. So they analyze subjects, create things, make presentations. All of that in a day’s work! It’s a very challenging life, being a students in 2014.

Why do the students complain?
A.       They like the new kurikulum
B.      They have too many tasks
C.      They want more homework
D.      They need to play a game

“......since Kurikulum 2013 requires students to be ‘scientific’.’
The word ‘requires’ is closest in meaning with.....
A.      makes
B.      does
C.      goes
D.      asks

Each task is time consuming....”
What is meant by the underlined words?
A.      Very easy
B.      Too hard
C.      Not so good
D.      Needs time

20. Atma : I’m very thirsty, have you anything to drink?
      Fadly : ... . Do you want me to buy you some?
      Atma : It’s okay. I think I will buy it later.
A.      Yes, of course.
B.      I’m afraid not.
C.      I have two.
D.      Here is for you.

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