Monday, April 6, 2015

UN 2010

Ini ada soal UN 2010. Yang listeningnya pas bagian picture gak ada gambarnya heheh untuk file yang lebih bagus dan listeningnya dalam bentuk mp3, hubungi bu Ros. Ok?

Mata Pelajaran      : BAHASA INGGRIS
Jenjang                 : SMK

Hari/Tanggal         :
Jam                       :

1.    Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJUN.
2.    Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN.
3.    Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
4.    Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 3 (tiga)• dan 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
5.    Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6.    Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
7.    Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
8.    Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
9.    Periksalah pekeijaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.

For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it, on the tape. These statements will be spoken twice, but are NOT WRITTEN out in  your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
Man :
A.          The girl is wearing a T-shirt.
B.          The girl has curly hair.
C.          The girl looks unhappy.
The girl is holding something.

Choice (D) "The girl is holding something" best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Now let's begin with picture number 1.




Part II. Questions : 4 to 7.

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear           : Man       : Where can I pick up my tickets?    
You will also hear    : Woman :  (A) Thursday morning, if that's convenient.          
                                                    (B) At the Overseas Travel desk.                   
                                                    (C) I think it's at nine o'clock.

Choice (B) "At the Overseas Travel desk" is the appropriate response to the question "Where can I pick up my tickets?" Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let's begin with question number 4.
4.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Questions : 8 to 11.

Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear:          Man              : Are you a student, here?
                                 Woman         : Yes, Sir.
                                 Man              : Where is the English class?
                                 Woman         : Next to the laboratory.
You will read:          Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A.       At the hospital.
B.        At the station.                                
C.        At the market.                                
D.       In a school.

Choice (D) "In a school" is the best answer to the question, "Where does the dialogue probably take place?" Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
8.      What does the woman say about her mother?
A.  She can cook well.
B.   She owns a restaurant.
C.   She's always in a hurry.
D.  She never has breakfast.
9.      What does the woman think about used bookstores?
A.  They are available only in the afternoon.
B.   They are hard to find anywhere.
C.   They provide first editions.
D.  They are less expensive.
10.  Why didn't the man get an answer?
A.  The phone is out of order.
B.   Nobody was in the office.
C.   The line was very busy.
D.  It's a wrong number.

11.  How many books are allowed to be borrowed at one time?
A.  More than five books.
B.   Two books only.
C.   Thirty books.
D.  Five books.

Part IV. Questions : 12 to 15.

In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is being said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
12.  Who will most likely be listening to this announcement?
A.  The lecturers.
B.   The sociologists.
C.   The students.
D.  The announcers.
13.  When should the students submit the paper?
A.  Today.
B.   By Friday.
C.   This week.
D.  In two weeks.
14.  What is being advertised?
A.  A multi-vitamin drinking bottle.
B.   A new brand of bottled water.
C.   The best-selling multi-vitamin tablets.
D.  Vitamins needed for human nutrition.
15.  What is the main advantage offered in the advertisement?
A.  Having the vitamins needed for one day.
B.   Purchasing for much more money.
C.   Getting more than a liter of water.
D.  Packing some good bottles.

– This is the end of the listening section –

Questions 16 to 30, choose the most appropriate answer.
16.  Fariz     : I'd like to book a room, please.
Alam    : Certainly.
Fariz     : On 17 December, if possible.
A.    When would you like to stay?
B.     When will you be available?
C.     Would you like a single or a double?
D.    Would it be OK to have an en-suite?

17.  Rani      : Where are you going for your holiday, Sin?
Sinta     : I haven't decided it yet but ... I do really want to visit the Pisa Tower.
A.    I must finish my term report.
B.     I should accompany my mom to the dentist.
C.     I might go to Italy with my family.
D.    I will just stay at home.

18.  Rudi     : Maya, do you think Anita will help us solve this math homework?
Maya    : I am sure, she will. ...
A.    You should help her.
B.     She may ask you about it.
C.     We would go somewhere.
D.    She is good at math.

19.  Susan    : I can't find my boots and umbrella.... I really don't want to go out without them.
Dyah    : Come on! You've got a rain coat. That'll keep you dry.
A.    I think I'm going to take my raincoat.
B.     Can you help me look for them?
C.     I guess I can put them on now.
D.    Do you remember when it happened?

20.  Donita  : I feel exhausted today, but the report is due at three.
Fikri      : ...
Donita  : Thanks. That's very kind of you.
A.    You can take a rest later.
B.     I had better give you a hand, then.
C.     You ought to finish the report now.
D.    I have to concentrate on my job, first.

21.  Braddy : What about your paper? Is it done?
Tantri    : Not yet. ...
Braddy : You'd better take a rest, then.
A.    If I didn't have a headache, I could finish it.
B.     If I were you, I would ask someone to make it.
C.     I'll be able to buy it if I have enough money.
D.    I can type it quickly if I have a computer.

22.  Ayu      : Tell me, what do you do in your spare time, Yudi?
Yudi     : ... I always try a new recipe from the newest Cooking Book.
A.    I care about Japanese tofu.
B.     I love eating many kinds of food.
C.     I enjoy collecting traditional utensils.
D.    I like preparing the table.

23.  Receptionist     : I'm sorry. Ms. Bertha isn't in the office today.
Caller               : …
A.    Then I'll call her back another time.
B.     OK. Would you like to leave a message?
C.     What can I do for you? -
D.    I think I've dialed the wrong number.

24.  Sue       : Why did you come late this morning?
Jane      : I'm sorry. ... because I forgot to bring my notebook. It's really important for me.
A.    I had to go back home
B.     I had to call my brother
C.     I need to cancel the presentation
D.    I'm going to report it to the office

25.  Dian     : Would you like to go swimming tomorrow morning?
Dewi    : ... I have to finish my report.
A.    That sounds great.
B.     Oh that's terrific.
C.     I'm afraid I can't.
D.    Certainly.

26.  Doni     : The meal was delicious. ...
Dian     : Thank you. Have some more dessert?
Doni     : No, thanks. I already had two pieces of cake.
A.    How kind you are!
B.     What a lovely place!
C.     I couldn't enjoy it.
D.    You're a great cook.

27.  Visitor : Why is this place so dirty?
Host     : I'm sorry..... But we'll clean it as soon as possible.
A.    It's not problem, right?
B.     Can you help us clean it?
C.     The cleaning service is absent.
D.    D. The receptionist will inform you later.

28.  Danny  : It is a good idea that the government prohibit smoking in public places.
Pandu   : ... It's awful sitting next to someone smoking.
A.    I disagree.
B.     I can't say so.
C.     That's true.
D.    Probably not.
29.    Talita          :    Ma'am, I plan to join the 'Gamelan' class but I don't know where the place is. Would you please give me the direction?
       Ms. Nayya  :    It's on Jalan Tebet Barat Dalam I, not far from our school. ... It's near the park.
A.    Just take this street and then turn left.
B.     The building is painted green.
C.     We will go there together by car.
D.    It's between the school and the post office,

30.  Anggi   : What do you do on Sundays?
Rendy  : Well, I stay in bed all morning. After I get up,
A.    I will have checked my email.
B.     I had my breakfast.
C.     I sent the message to my parents.
D.    I usually take a shower.

Question 31 to 35, choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below.
31.  Caller        : Should I get the number for Ratite Sang School of modeling?
                         A         B
Operator    : We don't have a listing under that name.
                                  C              D
32.  Bill Smith's garden is large than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers
                                     A                                 B
and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built
C                                                                                              D
a wooden bridge over a pool.

33.  A magazine whom I read at the doctor's office had an article you ought to read. It's about
                         A                                                                                  B                   C
the importance of good education in our family.
34.  We are a leasing company. As many as 65% of our employees are posted in the A
marketing division. Most of them are smart, talented, good look young men, who do not
                                                                                             B                     C
mind working ten hours a day, six days a week.

35.  Student     : Must I open the window for you, Ma'am?
                     A                          B
Teacher     : Yes, please – It's hot in here.
                                C                     D

Questions 36 - 50 are based on a selection of reading materials. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.

Questions 36 - 38 refer to the following letter.

WienBach Stationery Ltd
27 JI. Kayu Manis, Jakarta. 13210
March 16,2010
Ms. Denia Hope Ltd.
18 JI. Tarumanegara 45
Pontianak Kalimantan 22543
Dear Ms. Denia,
Thank you for ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationery Ltd. Your order has been shipped and should reach you within the next five business days.
Find your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting to Rp. 5,000,000 and the check for Rp. 500,000 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash discount and we are paying for the shipping and handling, also.
WienBach Stationery Ltd. is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward to your next order.

Karina Customer Service
2 enclosures

36.  Where is the order delivered to?
A.                      Jakarta.
B.                       Pontianak.
C.     Wienbach warehouse.
D.  Wienbach Stationery Ltd,

37.  Paragraph two tells about ...
A.     the half price of the total order.
B.   the shipping and handling fees of the products.
C.   the rebate of the total payment.
D.  the percentage of billing payment,

38.  "... pleased to add you to its list of customers." (paragraph 3 sentence 1) The underlined word refers to ....
A.     paper corporation
B.     shipping company
C.     Hope Ltd
D.     Wienbach Stationery Ltd

Questions 39 41 refer to the following table.

(2006 — 2009)
Electricity from thermal sources                                       86.93 percent (2001 estimate)
Electricity from hydroelectric sources                              10.52 percent 2001 estimate)
Electricity from nuclear sources                                        0 percent (2001 estimate)
Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources       2.55 percent (2001 estimate)
Number of radios per 1,000 people                                   155 (1997)
Number of telephones per 1,000 people                           35 (2001)
Number of televisions per 1,000 people                            145 (2000 estimate)
Number of Internet hosts per 10,000 people                    2.2 (2001)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people                  23 (1998)
Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people                     25 (1998)
Paved road as a share of total roads                                 46 percent (1999)

39.  What is the table about?
A.     The usage of hydro and geothermal for electric energy.
B.     The expense of energy for 1.000 people during 3 years.
C.     The consumption of energy, communication, and transportation.
D.     The need of electronic devices and natural resources for 1.000 people.
40.  The energy that not being used is from ....
A.     wind sources
B.                    electricity sources
C. nuclear sources
D. thermal sources
41.  "Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources". The underlined word is close in meaning with ….
A.     sun
B. moon
C.     kerosene
D. gasoline

Questions 42 to 44 refer to the following information.

It is important that the distance between the saddle and the handlebars should suit the rider. Place the elbow at the point of the saddle and stretch out your arm and hand.
The distance between the handlebars and the fingertips should be approximately 5 cm. If necessary, slide the saddle forwards or backwards after loosening nuts at the bottom side.
When re-tightening, make, sure the saddle remains in an almost horizontal position and see that it is properly centered.
After re-tightening, ensure that the saddle is secured firmly and can't be moved.

42.  What is the text about?
A.     Adjusting parts of bicycle.
B. Being a good bicycle rider.
C. Tightening the saddle and the handlebars.
D. Choosing a good bike for a new rider.
43.  What do you do after placing your elbow at the point of the saddle?
A.     Sliding the nuts.
B. Loosening the nuts.
C. Stretching out the arm and the hand.
D. Adjusting the distance of the bike.
44.  What should you do to have a secured
A.     Remove the saddle to the right position
B.     Loosen the saddle
C.     Place the elbow to the handlebars
D. Retingten the nuts and adjusting the saddle.

Questions 45 – 47 refer to the following information.

Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890. The Colonel was six when his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young Harland had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of a score of regional dishes.

At age 10, he got his first job working on a nearby farm for $2 a month. He held a series of jobs over the next few years, first as a 15-year-old streetcar conductor in New Albany, Ind., and then as a 16-year-old private, soldiering for six months in Cuba. After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in justice of the peace courts, sold insurance, operated an Ohio River steamboat ferry, sold tires, and operated service stations. When he was 40, the Colonel began cooking for hungry travelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin, Ky. He didn't have a restaurant then, but served folks on his own dining table in the living quarters of his service station.

As more people started coming just for food, lie moved across the street to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine years, he perfected his secret blend of I I herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique that is still used today. It made Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation grow rapidly.

45.  What is the text about?
A.     Sanders' biography.
B. Sanders' sad story.
C. Sanders' favorite menu.
D. Sanders' education.
46.  In what year did Sanders' father pass away?
A.     1890.
B.        1896.
C. 1900.
D. 1903.
47.  ....., but served folks on his own
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Songs.
B. Customers.
C.     Family
D. People.

Questions 48 — 50 refer to the following information.

Toyota, a city in Japan, is on east central Honshu Island, in central Aichi Prefecture on the Yahagi River. Toyota is the headquarters of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. A classic company town, it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants, office complexes, and housing developments for workers and their families. The city was formerly named Koromo, meaning "clothing" and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930s as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city's name was changed to Toyota in 1959 after the second plant, Motomachi, was opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population (2002): 342,835.

48.  What is the main idea of the text?
A. The history of the Toyota City.
B. The geographical aspects of the Toyota City.
C. The production of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
D. The families' and workers of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
49.  What was the old name of the Toyota City?
A. Yahagi.
B. Honshu.
C. Koromo.
D. Motomachi.
50.  The word 'their' in the sentence 'it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants,
office complexes, and housing development for workers and their families' refers to ....
A. workers
B. headquarters
C. assembly plants

D. housing developments

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