Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pe-er Buat X RPL-A

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hi, guys. Here's your homework. Write down only the answer on your work book.

Change the following sentences into Passive!
Simple Present
1.     They grow coffee in Brazil  → _________________________________
2.     He examines patients on the second floor →____________________________
3.     She feeds the animal twice a day. → _______________________________
4.     They deliver the newspaper in the morning. →____________________________
5.     We lend books only to students. →______________________________

Simple Past
1.     He found the child in the park. → ________________________________
2.     They broke the glasses with a stone. →______________________________
3.     She saw the mouse in the kitchen. → _________________________________
4.     I polished the furniture in the afternoon. →_______________________________
5.     He made the dress. → ____________________________________________

Yaaah... cuma sepuluh... Gampang-gampang lagi....