Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Anak-anakku yang baik.... Ini tugas buat kalian. Tolong ditulis di buku catatan ya? Biar bisa buat latihan... Dikumpulin kalo dah selesai, di lab bahasa. OK? Kalo ada pertanyaan sms ke 081615769828.

A. Tense Review Part 1
Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Example: The weather ______ nice at the weekend. (to be)

Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.

1) I to the cinema yesterday. (to go)
2) Peter 13 tomorrow. (to be)
3) My friend to music every evening. (to listen)
4) They their car. It looks new again. (to clean)
5) Listen! Mr Jones the piano. (to play)

B. Tenses Review Part 2
Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Example: The sun ______________ now. (to shine)

Answer: The sun is shining now.

1) We TV when it started to rain. (to watch)
2) I to visit you yesterday, but you not at home. (to want) (to be)
3) Look! It , so we can't to the beach. (to rain) (to go)
4) There are a lot of clouds! It soon. (to rain)
5) The sun in the East. (to rise)

C. Fill in the blanks
Form a sentence using the following words.

1) to music / Marlen / is listening / now

2) he / speaks / well / French

3) she / writes / a letter / often

4) play / they / handball / in the evening / always

5) often / it / in Scotland / rains

6) lunch / we / not / yesterday / had / at school

7) Victoria Station / leaves / the bus / at 7

8) did / I / my homework / in my room / not

9) Alex / under the shower / the song / sang / loudly

10) in Berlin / can / his uncle / he / visit

D. Conditional sentence
Put in the correct verb forms.

1) He can write good stories if he (to feel) like it.

2) They will stay longer in Paris if they (to find) a cheap hotel.

3) If Sarah (not/to eat) so much junk food, she could have been in the school hockey team.

4) If Brian (to like) horses, he could ride well.

5) John's mother (to have) more time for him if he does the washing up.

E. Part of Speech
Find out the correct part of speech of the following underlined words. Write the underlined words into the correct column:

1. Steve can play the trumpet.
2. Do you like dogs?
3. They listen to music every day.
4. She is an old lady.
5. The group went climbing in the mountains.
6. This is a fast car.
7. He did well in the test.
8. My father drives carefully.
9. Has your father ever been to Australia?
10. The play was fantastic.

F. Reported Speech
Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Example: Peter: "I clean the black shoes."
Peter told me that ____________________________

Answer: Peter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

1) John: "Mandy is at home."
John said that .
2) Max: "Frank often reads a book."
Max told me that .
3) Susan: "I'm watching TV."
Susan said to me that .
4) Simon: "David was ill."
Simon said that .
5) Peggy: "The girls helped in the house."
Peggy told me that .