Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tugas buat siswa-siswaku... Yang mau nilai tambahan...

Speaking already
Q1 Can you hear what he is .......?
(a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking

Q2 She hasn't come home ........
(a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till

Q3 I ....... TV yesterday evening.
(a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched

Q4 We live ....... the city centre.
(a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby

Q5 She looks ....... a famous film star.
(a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same

Q6 This television gives you the ....... news.
(a) last (b) latest (c) least (d) later

Q7 I only ....... one mistake in last night's test.
(a) made (b) done (c) did (d) make

Q8 I want you to tell me the ....... truth.
(a) all (b) exact (c) real (d) whole

Q9 He is looking ....... a present to buy his girlfriend.
(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Q10 That's what I would like ....... Christmas.
(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Newspaper Headlines

Q1 Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.
(a) top (b) big (c) main (d) head

Q2 You should always check the sell ....... date of things you buy in the supermarket.
(a) in (b) through (c) by (d) off

Q3 When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........
(a) off (b) through (c) out (d) over

Q4 The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake.
(a) oversee (b) overtake (c) overdo (d) overlook

Q5 It is always ....... when you misunderstand the customs of other countries.
(a) embarrassing (b) peculiar (c) singular (d) attitude

Ps. Ditulis tangan ya..... jawaban yang benar dicoret azah... good luck...